Often when I am out snapping that camera of mine- secretly I am sometimes overwhelmed with emotions, watching precious moments unfold. I feel so blessed and humbled to be there to capture it all. With Mother's Day quickly approaching, I wanted to take a minute and honor all the mommies out there and celebrate the awesome love they have for their babies- that I get to see through my lens. I see that love in her eyes from the very beginning when they are carrying that baby in their tummies. And then when they are overwhelmed with new emotions- holding that little newborn bundle in their arms. -And I get to see that love grow as their babies grow, and families expand. - And then there's the look of love mixed with pride and joy that fills their eyes when their babies walk down the aisle and get married- and when those eyes well up with tears- anyone who knows me knows my eyes will be filled with tears as well (making it hard to see through my lens-but I manage! lol!) .
Nope there's nothing like a mother's love in the whole world!
Happy Mother's Day!
© Portraits by Christie, LLC